Sunday, January 8, 2012

Raspberry Lemonade Cordial

This is such a tangy, refreshing summer drink. A glass just needs a small amount topped up with lemonade or soda water. Another Jo Seagar recipe that we love.

Raspberry Lemonade Cordial

3 cups sugar
3 cups fresh raspberries
grated rind and juice of 2 oranges
grated rind and juice of 6 lemons (if the lemons are large, I only use 4)
50gms citric acid
2 litres water

Place sugar, raspberries, orange and lemon rind and juice, citric acid and 1 litre of water into a saucepan. Stir to dissolve the sugar and then bring to the boil.
Remove from the heat and pour through a sieve lined with muslin, squishing the raspberries to extract all their juice. Make up to 2 litres with the remaining cold water.

To serve, dilute with 1 part cordial to 3-4 parts water, soda or sparkling mineral water.

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